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Autumn Foliage
Writer's picturePastor Jim Crecelius

Are You Feeling the Momentum?

Momentum:  “Strength or force gained by motion.”  So says Mr. Webster’s book.  Are you feeling the momentum?  It’s an exciting time here at UMCGR!  New faces, expanded programs, new ministries – combine that with the solid and established missions and ministries of our church that continue to touch hearts and change lives…  Pretty way cool beans (as they say).  But let’s take that definition apart and look at some of the words and what it might mean for us as a congregation.


Motion:  the strength or force, which is what momentum is, is generated by motion.  I’ve continually said and suggested that discipleship is a verb, that faith is a verb, that love is a verb.  Living a life in Christ is a life in action, movement, engagement. We are and continue to be a congregation on the move.  When you read this, we will have already celebrated our “Missions Sunday”.  If you want to hear and see stories about movement and engagement, there may be no better Sunday to experience at UMCGR than missions Sunday.  With twenty-plus posters naming (not all) the missions and ministries our congregation is doing and participating in, with stories from individuals sharing their passion and what they’re doing to further the Commonwealth of Christ – making a difference for grace, renewal, justice, and the building of community.  Well, it thrills the heart and stirs up the Spirit for others to be a part of the growing energy (momentum) in the life of the congregation!  We need to continue to be and build on being a congregation in motion.  Be actively at work in the Cause of Jesus, the Christ.


Strength:  We understand our work (it’s part of our vision statement) to be about building disciples.  God, through the work of the Holy Spirit, makes disciples.  Our job is to strengthen these people in their devotion and commitment to Jesus by training and equipping.  It’s not muscle strength we’re doing, it’s spiritual strength.  Are we encouraging and resourcing our fellowship in discovering who Christ can be in their lives? Who Jesus is? What it means to follow him? Learning about spiritual disciplines? Are members coming to know the scriptures more? Equipping people for mission and ministry?  Enabling and encouraging their prayer lives? Helping them build devotional and spiritual practices?


I encourage you to think about and ask yourself, “Am I intentionally growing in my discipleship?  Am I becoming more and more a disciple of Jesus?  Do I claim him as Christ of my life?


Force: As United Methodists, when we take our membership vows, one of the questions we say, “I do” to is, “Do you accept the Freedom and Power God give you to resist evil, injustice, and oppression…”.  We are to be a force for Grace, Justice, Love, Mercy, Compassion, and Reconciliation in this world.  In Judaism the concept of Tikkun Olam is to participate with God in the intention work of healing, repair, and improvement of the world God so loves.  We are to be a force for the kingdom of God in this world.  It is not for us to sit on the sidelines and hope.  We are to engage in God’s continual work of repair, renewal – augmenting and expanding the Commonwealth of Christ!


But let me bring this back around to us – you, and me, our congregation.  There is exciting momentum building amongst us.  Just read the rest of this newsletter to discover only some of it.  I encourage you – all of us as a family of faith – to ask yourself, “Where can I be a part of the life of my congregation?” “How can I add my part to the momentum of the church?” Let’s seize this God given moment and opportunity to build on the momentum of the Holy Spirit in our lives together as the UMCGR family.


Be God’s,  Pastor Jim


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