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Autumn Foliage
Writer's picturePastor Jim Crecelius

Turn of the Seasons

While this is for the September newsletter, I’m writing this in mid-August.  There are still summer weekends to the lake, vacations, county fairs and the State Fair, Labor Day weekend, Summer sport games yet to play…  Still a lot of Summer yet to enjoy.  I hope you had some opportunities to make some great summer memories.


But you’re reading this with school schedules starting and “program year” commitments beginning.  It’s a “turn of the seasons”.  God is continually moving us into the next New Day: the next new season, as it were, to begin a new possibility for growth in our relationship with God, a new opportunity to be God’s faithful one in sharing God’s love or working for God’s justice.  A new season of blossoming into a fuller understanding and lifestyle as a disciple (a follower) of Jesus.  God is ever faithful and consistent in inviting us into deeper relationship with Godself.  We are always in an opportunity to follow Jesus more fully and with deeper conviction and devotion.


There is a new momentum in our congregation.  There is an awakening of excitement, a growing number of new faces, a steady increase of seeing members who since Covid have been away from gathering back in attendance on Sunday mornings.  We have new programs and events blossoming in our congregation:  Story Trek, Plant Sale, VBC, new Youth experiences (Formal Night in the cities, worship at Park Ave. United Methodist Church in South Minneapolis), Divorce Care classes, Fall Bible Study based on a popular TV series about Jesus and his disciples….


God says, “Behold, I’m making all things new, do you not perceive it?”  This season is an opportunity to seize the initiative of becoming more the disciple of Jesus, God has called and designed you to be! Seasons build on the previous one to grow.  In our gardens I’ve been so excited to see the perennials that we’ve planted in seasons past multiply and blossom in increasing numbers!  Seeds panted seasons ago are sprouting and blooming in numerous and multiple places that weren’t there just a year ago!  God has been planting seeds in our congregation for generations.  Already we’re seeing new growth and new faces becoming a part of our faith family!  Your attendance, your smile, your handshake, your presence plants seeds you may not be aware of.  The ripple effect of fellowship on Sunday mornings spreads from that morning and touches lives you and I are not aware of!


As seasons change, different gifts and new graces show themselves.  As the Holy Spirit touches our lives we can experience growth of spiritual maturity, discover new gifts, new talents, find places where we can share ourselves and these gifts to bless others and to advance and augment the movement of Jesus.  The gospel of God’s great good news is ever present and always engaged in touching hearts and changing lives.  Look at the rich history of our congregation; be reminded of the deep roots of faithfulness of generations past.  Celebrate the current faith family that is UMCGR. Think about the friendships, the missions and ministries currently sharing Jesus’ love and touching lives and our community.  And then there’s the new season – the New Day God is bringing!  What will our children and their children build and accomplish for the Commonwealth of Christ?!


I’m excited about what God is doing in the life of The United Methodist Church in Grand Rapids, Minnesota!  I see the evidence of blessing and new life weekly in our worship and fellowship.  Come, join us – especially on Sunday, Sept. 8th, “Gather the Family Sunday” and experience for yourself the joy, the celebration, the fellowship, the family – the New Day (season) God is blooming amongst us!


Be God’s,  Pastor Jim


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